This is a competition! You will be going against someone else in the class. When both of you finish show your opponent your time and complete your chart.Click on the following links and complete the maps for each link. Simply click "Play" when you are ready to begin.
North America
Central America
South America
Middle East
World Monuments
World Features
Puzzle ----------- Best Time --------- Name
Continents ----------- 7 sec. ------------ Chelsea G.
North America------- 17 sec.------------- Chelsea G.
Central America------ 21 sec. ------------ Chelsea G.
South America------- 21 sec. ------------- Chelsea G.
Europe--------------- 1 min. 49 sec. ------ Chelsea G.
Africa---------------- 2 min. 44 sec. ------ Chelsea G.
Asia------------------ 1 min. 01 sec. ------ Chelsea G.
Middle East---------- 29 sec. ------------- Ryan B.
World Monuments ----- No one has completed yet
World Features -------- No one has completed yet
If you can post better times than your classmates you will need proof. Either print out the picture and bring it to class or printscreen (one of the functions of your keyboard) and email the photo to me. Enjoy.
Update 9/12 - Trevor B. Sets Lots of New Records!!!! Way to go Trevor :)
Update 9/17 - Sam K. ties the North America record. Good Job Sam!
Update 9/29 - Chelsea G. BREAKS ALL RECORDS!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Chelsea :)
Update 12/18 - Ryan B. sets new rcord on Middle East Map!
hope it's funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
ti was very fun
Yay! Three of my records are still up there! :)
Mr. Lewis,
I GOT A NEW RECORD!!!!!! I got 9 sec. on the Continents Map! I saved it, and I can do it again if you want??
I got 2 new records!!!
Continents Map: 7 seconds
North America Map: 17 seconds
ANOTHER new record! Lol.
Central America: 23 seconds
i don't mean to brag, but I got another new record!!!
South America: 22 seconds
Mr. Lewis,
I got all new records for the following maps:
Continents: 7 seconds
North America Map: 17 seconds
Central America Map: 23 seconds
South America: 22 seconds
Europe: 2 minutes & 6 seconds
Africa: 2 minutes & 56 seconds
Chelsea way to go! Bring in a printout of the map with your time or email me a screen shot. i have to have proof to add your new records.
Mr. Lewis,
Will do!!! See you Wednesday. :)
hey mr.lewis i beat one of chelsea's records. she got 7 sec. on continets. i got 5. i will bring it into class
Wowzers Chelsea! Great job. :)
by madison b & justin h
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